Cheese it, it's the fuzz!
So, the cops finally got me this morning. They've come around a couple of times before, but I am either not there or I pretend I'm not there. I knew I was being watched pretty closely, but it seemed like I was coming out ahead. This time, though, an RCMP officer from the UBC Endowment Lands detachment nailed me as I was pulling into a parking spot at the Village at 1 am. Nowhere to run; nowhere to hide.
He pulled me over because of the apparently innumerable complaints that they have had from people in the neighbourhood, despite the fact that no one can even see the truck from their house. What's more, I've never been anything but the quiet, litter-collecting neighbour that most people would love to have living nearby. In fact, I've even considered having passerby in for tea. Har-har.
Thing is, it makes people uncomfortable to have a vehicle-dweller nearby. I could be crazy! I could be dangerous! I could snap and eat their cats! I mean, why the hell would anyone in their right mind live in a camper?
Because I don't need a place. Because I like the freedom. Because I can't afford to pay $500 a month to live on a living room floor. Because I don't want to take out a huge loan and then use 2/3 of it on shelter that I'll never own. Because I am aware of the fact that stuff I pay for with student loans is subject to interest. Because it is fun during the good times and builds character during the hard times. Because living in one place all the time is boring. Because I can have a million-dollar view when I need one. And on and on and on...
Anyway, they finally got me. The bastards are winning. This cop was pretty nasty to me; really unpleasant. He blinds me with his Maglight and chops out, "Show me your hands! Keep 'em on the steering wheel where I can see 'em!", while he gets my plate number. Yeah, I know: it's the hair. I look like a terrorist. Squints at my licence; "How long have you been in Canada?", he spits. Jesus, the tone he took... Even I am pretty convinced that I am a pox on society at this point. "So, how much have you had to drink tonight?", flashlight darting to the newly-vacuumed floorboards. Well, it was 1 am when he pulled me over, and I had had two beer around 4:00 pm and one at 9:30 pm... I think I was in the clear.
He told me that loads of people have been complaining, and it looks like the gig is up. He mentioned that he himself lives in the Endowment Lands and has been seeing my rig around there since September (which is not even true, but hey, I'm a monster). Apparently he sympathizes with my situation, as he was a student once too, but it is his job to treat me like crap and run me out of his jurisdiction so that some Vancouver cop can deal with me.
After running my licence he came back with the scathing verdict. "Right, here's what's gonna happen. I'm gonna let you off this time. You're gonna leave this thing here because you're drinking. You're not going to move it tonight, and if I see you move it tonight or if I ever catch you drinking and driving again I'm gonna tow you and hit you with every fine and ticket I've got: overlength vehicle, camping overnight, endangering traffic on a highway, clearance light violations..." This is incredible, considering I'm not doing anything, I'm not drinking and my BAC is negligible, if not zero.
The worst part, aside from the way he talked to me, was that he wouldn't tell me anything about where I might be able to park. All he wanted to do was scare me out of the Endowment Lands so that he doesn't have to deal with complaints anymore.
I don't know what to do, where to go. I really don't have the money to do another trial-and-error in the camper-unfriendly neighbourhoods of Kits. I guess I'll go beg the UBC Farm caretakers to take me in.
He pulled me over because of the apparently innumerable complaints that they have had from people in the neighbourhood, despite the fact that no one can even see the truck from their house. What's more, I've never been anything but the quiet, litter-collecting neighbour that most people would love to have living nearby. In fact, I've even considered having passerby in for tea. Har-har.
Thing is, it makes people uncomfortable to have a vehicle-dweller nearby. I could be crazy! I could be dangerous! I could snap and eat their cats! I mean, why the hell would anyone in their right mind live in a camper?
Because I don't need a place. Because I like the freedom. Because I can't afford to pay $500 a month to live on a living room floor. Because I don't want to take out a huge loan and then use 2/3 of it on shelter that I'll never own. Because I am aware of the fact that stuff I pay for with student loans is subject to interest. Because it is fun during the good times and builds character during the hard times. Because living in one place all the time is boring. Because I can have a million-dollar view when I need one. And on and on and on...
Anyway, they finally got me. The bastards are winning. This cop was pretty nasty to me; really unpleasant. He blinds me with his Maglight and chops out, "Show me your hands! Keep 'em on the steering wheel where I can see 'em!", while he gets my plate number. Yeah, I know: it's the hair. I look like a terrorist. Squints at my licence; "How long have you been in Canada?", he spits. Jesus, the tone he took... Even I am pretty convinced that I am a pox on society at this point. "So, how much have you had to drink tonight?", flashlight darting to the newly-vacuumed floorboards. Well, it was 1 am when he pulled me over, and I had had two beer around 4:00 pm and one at 9:30 pm... I think I was in the clear.
He told me that loads of people have been complaining, and it looks like the gig is up. He mentioned that he himself lives in the Endowment Lands and has been seeing my rig around there since September (which is not even true, but hey, I'm a monster). Apparently he sympathizes with my situation, as he was a student once too, but it is his job to treat me like crap and run me out of his jurisdiction so that some Vancouver cop can deal with me.
After running my licence he came back with the scathing verdict. "Right, here's what's gonna happen. I'm gonna let you off this time. You're gonna leave this thing here because you're drinking. You're not going to move it tonight, and if I see you move it tonight or if I ever catch you drinking and driving again I'm gonna tow you and hit you with every fine and ticket I've got: overlength vehicle, camping overnight, endangering traffic on a highway, clearance light violations..." This is incredible, considering I'm not doing anything, I'm not drinking and my BAC is negligible, if not zero.
The worst part, aside from the way he talked to me, was that he wouldn't tell me anything about where I might be able to park. All he wanted to do was scare me out of the Endowment Lands so that he doesn't have to deal with complaints anymore.
I don't know what to do, where to go. I really don't have the money to do another trial-and-error in the camper-unfriendly neighbourhoods of Kits. I guess I'll go beg the UBC Farm caretakers to take me in.
I'm not sure whether or not you remember, but you DO have family about a 35 minute drive away you know. Family with a spare bedroom, free food and even extra cars so you can use someone else's gas (rust me, it's awesome...i get everything I can out of them while I still can.) Point being, you should know if you're ever stuck or need a few weeeks to live cost-free so you can work/save money, you know where to go. Hope you're keeping well! Love your cuz,
Posted by
Anonymous |
This world is going crazy... last month I took a plane and I got problems bc I was wearing a what do you find strange in people complaining when a dangerous bastard -thats you Tristan- camps outside their beautifull -apart from small, pathetic and miserable- dwells?
Wish I had some place here home -just round the Atlantic, you know...-specially near the roof- but I don't even have a roof for myself...
Posted by
Dani |
Dear Mr. Banwell,
you should have been bruised for camping arround in a battered old car... I mean you should do what THEY want, that's paying the fucking expensive ammount they ask for a flat and try to be happy there. Don't act like a fool, don't try to be happy with few. Stupid tarzanito.... hahahah
I have to say that I love reading your online diary, and I'd really love to go camping arround with you, then you'd have a extremely musculated spanish guy to help you to fight against cops.
Love and care!
Posted by
Anonymous |
Santi gave me your webadress and i m glad of it
Hehe i love your story. I have an ex-girlfriend who s lived for two years in a van like you, the same van more or less than the one that is filmed in Little Miss Sunshine.
She was then living and studying in Bordeaux, and to face the police s problems, she had to move everyday to go to another parking. You should maybe try this solution. I m a bit astonished (is this world english by canadian cops reaction)
Guess what, since you adviced me to do it, i am still listenning to cbc radio 3' s podcasts. Maybe not everyday, but at least once a week. I love it. On another hand i tried to listen to Bande A Part, the quebecquois similar podcast, and was quite deciepted...
I hope you ll be okay with your living place. When is the last time you paid a rent??? Living in a car is an open window to travelling, it' s great. Maybe you ll be able to come to europe with that minivan. Then give me a call.
Posted by
Anonymous |