Right into it
I spent all day today trekking up and down the steep hills here, judging farms for a 'Contour Contest'. The farmers with the best contour line soil conservation will win money and everyone gets fruit tree seedlings. It seems like I am going to be pretty busy; we've really gotten right into it. We ate lunch with some farmers: coconuts, coconuts, rice and corned beef, a fish, coconuts, coconuts and coconut 'milk' with cow milk and then some coconut wine called tuba to finish it off... A versatile seed indeed!
After lunch we had to quit working, as the monsoon is beginning here now. Amazing. I thought that it rained hard in Caribbean Guatemala, but this was something to see. Some crops can't be grown here because the rain just tears them to pieces. It starts so abruptly that even the chickens are shocked, running for cover under vegetation. All the locals just go inside or under sort of tin-roofed patios (everyone has one) and go to sleep. Really.
After lunch we had to quit working, as the monsoon is beginning here now. Amazing. I thought that it rained hard in Caribbean Guatemala, but this was something to see. Some crops can't be grown here because the rain just tears them to pieces. It starts so abruptly that even the chickens are shocked, running for cover under vegetation. All the locals just go inside or under sort of tin-roofed patios (everyone has one) and go to sleep. Really.