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17 July 2005 

Another disappointing entry

I am feeling rather down right now. Well, part of me is feeling rather down. I guess I am just sorta okay. Let me tell you about the crappy stuff first.

It was almost 40°C at the pool today. I felt as though I was getting sunburned even under the umbrella. Even the pool water was hot. When I got home I found out that a friend of mine is in Costa Rica. This, of course, made me want to hit the road and head somewhere new.* I looked up the temperature in San José, CR to make myself feel better, and the high there today was only 26°C. Damn it.

So then I stumbled into his blog, which had an entry linking me to a recent set of articles in the New Yorker about climate change. I am not even going to get into that. Let's just say that thinking about the positive feedback that will kick in when hundreds of centuries worth of frozen organic matter (read: carbon) starts to thaw does not make me happy.

I am also starting to feel as though I have minimal talent in the 'interpreting subtle behavioural nuances' category. I thought I had some pretty good 'people skills' up my sleeve, but they must have slipped out. What the hell am I doing with myself? I drift so far and free but I get hung up so easily. Am I too optimistic? Do I just not know when to let it go? You know me: I can't solve problems, I have to run from them. It is time to move somewhere new. Hopefully a place where people speak their minds and an ice rink is never far away.

It ain't all bad, though. Like I said, only part of me is down. Ready for the up-side?

The pool staff had an awesome party today; the highlights were our group cannonball, chickenfighting, pushing my siblings off the diving board, and Laurie's fabulous brownies. A bonus: all the people who work at our pool are attractive The New Yorker style sheet apparently requires writers to usedieresissis in words with a pronounced second vowel, such as coöperate. I think that is neat. I get along with my family. I might get to roadtrip across the country. Mississippi John Hurt is playing 'You Are My Sunshine' in the background. I just got to spell Mississippi. Twice. I move to Sweden in five weeks.

I guess if you balance it out, minus the climate change bit, things are going pretty well. I think it was Marlon Brando who said, "In the west, one bad thing ruins your day, In the rest of the world, one good thing makes your day."

I don't have it in me to be funny in blogs, or even interesting. At least not these days. Mr. Hurt didn't think all that much was funny about life, either. He's got the (insert anything here) Blues. Anyway, only four people who don't live in my house read my last one. I guess it doesn't even matter if these suck. If you hate me now, just read the next one because you are curious to see whether they really are going to get worse and worse. Humour me, people.

Good night.

* Euphemism for overwhelmingly jealous.

About Me

  • I'm Tristan.

    These days you can find me in Coyle, Washington, United States.

    But probably not for long.




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